Saturday, August 15, 2009

Advice On How To Get The Ex Back

Thank you for checking out my blog which offers advice on how to get the ex back. Not only that, but I will be covering all topics related to coping after a break up. I will show you how to break up gracefully, if that's what you feel is best; and I will also show you ways to get the ex back. Look, I have been there before, so that's the whole purpose of this blog. I got some really useful break up tips when I was struggling with being dumped. They really helped. I hope I can return the favor!

Okay, so the first lesson is one in reverse psychology you could say. Or maybe a better analogy would be judo, which teaches you to use someones own force against them. Hopefully you are getting this advice before, or soon after your breakup, as it works best at that time. If not, don't worry, there are plenty of tactics for getting your ex back. So basically it works as follows...

When your about to be ex first proposes a break up, you want to completely agree with the action. You want to act like you are totally fine with that idea, and almost relieved. I know this works from experience. I did it once early in a relationship, and my girlfriend at the time totally flipped out! I still had not fell for this girl, so I just said "okay", when she said, "Maybe we should break up?". Her face dropped. She did not expect it. In your scenario you will be probably bluffing, but it works all the same. It's time to put your poker face on.

Let's go back to the judo example. Say you are holding on tightly to someone, and they start to pull away. They expect to feel that resistance. But what happens if you instantly let go? They actually fall! Lesson number one; be cool with the break up. My mentor on this topic, TW Jackson, explains it a lot better than me. Check out his video on "your opening move". His book "The Magic Of Making Up" is definitely recommended reading. It's the best book I have ever read on the subject, in my opinion. Be sure to check back frequently for free tips on how to get your ex back. Also remember to get my free report, "10 Ways To Get The Ex Back". These tips will definitely come in handy if you're trying to get your ex back.

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