1. Be Strong - No one needs a person who is needy as they say, so you must maintain composure. By all means avoid acting, or appearing desperate, even if you are. If your ex sees you not concerned with them, it will naturally re-attract them to you. Sometimes, you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. Let this work for you.
2. Keep Contact To A Minimum - This may seem counter intuitive when you’re trying to fix things, but it is one of the most important steps to getting back at, or with your ex. Let them wonder what you’re up to. Stepping away for a little while is extremely effective, in this scenario. Your ex will be able to clear his or her mind, and realize how special your relationship was.
3. Go With The Flow - Instead of screaming for your ex to move out immediately, just agree with your ex. Be a sympathizer, and try to see their point of view. This will quite frankly shock your ex. They will be surprised at this side of you, and possibly reopen the lines of communication.
4. Get Out! – You should not be sulking at home alone. Go hang out with the friends you probably neglected when you were with your ex. Your friends can be a great support system while you are getting back on your feet. Even a few casual dates can be very healthy. They will boost your self-esteem, and make your ex jealous, if he or she finds out. That doesn’t hurt in this case.
5. Just Be Yourself – You attracted your ex for a very specific reason. You need to remember that you were a person that appealed to your ex, and you still are. Having a healthy self-perception, and emitting positive vibes will work well in all situations in life.
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