Saturday, August 29, 2009

How NOT To Get The Ex Back

So I'm sure you have read plenty of articles on "how to" get the ex back, but today I will strictly focus on "how not" to get the ex back. You might consider me an absolute expert in this field, as I have tried every single one of these horrible tactics when trying to get ex's back, at one time or another. In fact while I'm on the subject, let me explain how I became a "relationship expert" in the first place.

Quite honestly, I was the dude I'm going to be telling you not to be from here on out. I have to admit I knew absolutely nothing about the laws of attraction, or the proper methods to getting the ex back. I messed up so many relationships, and then tried to get them back so many ways, I learned what NOT to do first. Finally, with a little insight from others, and plain trial and error, I figured a lot of this stuff out. So believe me when I say I know what I'm talking about. I have more than "been there, done that", when it comes to relationship troubles. Just keep in mind, that if someone like me can get his stuff straight, anyone can! So here's what NOT to do to get your ex back.
  1. Come immediately running back saying, "I'm sorry baby. I'll change this time. I promise!
  2. Write an emotional, heart-felt letter about how you are a jerk, and they are the best thing known to man.
  3. Call them up yelling about how it's all their fault, and they could have been a better girlfriend.
  4. Ask their brother/sister/mother what happened, and ask them if they can talk to her for you.
  5. Go to their job, and ask if you can talk to them for a minute.(aka stalking)
As I have stated before, your first move is to chill, step back, and play cool as the Fonz. The above tactics do NOT work. I tried them. You need to step away, and clear your head. Then and only then, you will be ready to proceed.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Get The Ex Back - First Move

Ok, so you just got dumped. What's your first move to get the ex back?. Well it takes a good poker face, but you would be well suited to wear one. You do not want to show your real emotions at this point, you have to remain cool.

Reacting with emotion at this point will only push your ex further away. You have to give them space if they pull away. They expect you to hold on, so if you just let go, you use thier own power against them. They are the ones who may end up falling. Does that make sense?

The best first move after getting dumped, would be to completely agree with the break up. You want to come across as almost relieved that the relationship is over. That would be the best play. You don't want to seem like a jerk, just agree, and even mention that you had been thinking the same thing.

You might be saying to yourself, "Well I'm way past that point. I have already spilled my guts and sobbed like a baby to my ex". It's okay, you can still save face by pulling back and composing yourself. The effect won't be quite as strong, but you cannot continue to show weakness if you want to get the ex back. It's pretty simple really, weakness is not attractive; Being confident, happy, and full of life is. So even if you feel like a loser, you would be doing yourself a favor to play it cool. You have to suck it up, and keep your head held high. This is the best first step to get the ex back in your life.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Getting The Ex Back - Overview

Have you been dumped, and now you feel completely lost, and broken? Most of us have to deal with an untimely break up, and just try to get on with our lives and forget. However, some of us don’t just want to “move on”, and luckily there are options. A break up is just that, a break up. Things that get broken can be fixed. Consider my tips the superglue you need.

Truth be told, the vast majority of the time, you CAN get your ex back with the proper protocol, and a little self-study. First, is to take an honest look at what happened to cause the break up. You cannot go back in time and change what happened, but you will need to figure out what was wrong to ever fix it in the future. Make sense?

The break up could have been caused by a singular bad event, or could have been slowly brewing over time. Regardless, it is necessary to find it out, so you can avoid it later. You can get an ex back with certain steps, but to keep them you are going to have to change what’s broken.

Even though you are trying to get your ex back, it is important to keep in mind that you should keep your agenda hidden. You are not going to get your ex back by running towards them with your arms open. You have to disguise your intention for now, as showing that you actually want them can play against you. You can appear weak, and this is not to your benefit. You must maintain the appearance of being totally fine with being broken up. This is tough. I know. But do you want to get your ex back, or not?

Also trying to make your ex jealous does not work. The reason is it looks phony most of the time, and your ex sees right through it. Aside from that, it will help validate their decision to leave you. They see you have moved on, so they might as well too. While letting them see that you are doing fine is good, throwing a new re-bound friend in their face is counter-productive. Just let your ex see that you are confident and stable, this will help to re-attract them to you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Get Back At The Ex - 5 Simple Tips

Relationships are kind of like a house of cards; one bad move, and years of built up emotions come crashing down (and out). Break ups happen, and they are simply part of life. Many have the natural reaction of wanting to exact revenge on our ex for wronging us. We have to ask ourselves, “Is this the right thing to do?” Some of the ways you can “get back” at your ex, also happen to be ways of bringing your ex back to you. Ironically, they actually can show your ex how much you mean to them.

1. Be Strong - No one needs a person who is needy as they say, so you must maintain composure. By all means avoid acting, or appearing desperate, even if you are. If your ex sees you not concerned with them, it will naturally re-attract them to you. Sometimes, you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. Let this work for you.

2. Keep Contact To A Minimum - This may seem counter intuitive when you’re trying to fix things, but it is one of the most important steps to getting back at, or with your ex. Let them wonder what you’re up to. Stepping away for a little while is extremely effective, in this scenario. Your ex will be able to clear his or her mind, and realize how special your relationship was.

3. Go With The Flow - Instead of screaming for your ex to move out immediately, just agree with your ex. Be a sympathizer, and try to see their point of view. This will quite frankly shock your ex. They will be surprised at this side of you, and possibly reopen the lines of communication.

4. Get Out! – You should not be sulking at home alone. Go hang out with the friends you probably neglected when you were with your ex. Your friends can be a great support system while you are getting back on your feet. Even a few casual dates can be very healthy. They will boost your self-esteem, and make your ex jealous, if he or she finds out. That doesn’t hurt in this case.

5. Just Be Yourself – You attracted your ex for a very specific reason. You need to remember that you were a person that appealed to your ex, and you still are. Having a healthy self-perception, and emitting positive vibes will work well in all situations in life.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Advice On How To Get The Ex Back

Thank you for checking out my blog which offers advice on how to get the ex back. Not only that, but I will be covering all topics related to coping after a break up. I will show you how to break up gracefully, if that's what you feel is best; and I will also show you ways to get the ex back. Look, I have been there before, so that's the whole purpose of this blog. I got some really useful break up tips when I was struggling with being dumped. They really helped. I hope I can return the favor!

Okay, so the first lesson is one in reverse psychology you could say. Or maybe a better analogy would be judo, which teaches you to use someones own force against them. Hopefully you are getting this advice before, or soon after your breakup, as it works best at that time. If not, don't worry, there are plenty of tactics for getting your ex back. So basically it works as follows...

When your about to be ex first proposes a break up, you want to completely agree with the action. You want to act like you are totally fine with that idea, and almost relieved. I know this works from experience. I did it once early in a relationship, and my girlfriend at the time totally flipped out! I still had not fell for this girl, so I just said "okay", when she said, "Maybe we should break up?". Her face dropped. She did not expect it. In your scenario you will be probably bluffing, but it works all the same. It's time to put your poker face on.

Let's go back to the judo example. Say you are holding on tightly to someone, and they start to pull away. They expect to feel that resistance. But what happens if you instantly let go? They actually fall! Lesson number one; be cool with the break up. My mentor on this topic, TW Jackson, explains it a lot better than me. Check out his video on "your opening move". His book "The Magic Of Making Up" is definitely recommended reading. It's the best book I have ever read on the subject, in my opinion. Be sure to check back frequently for free tips on how to get your ex back. Also remember to get my free report, "10 Ways To Get The Ex Back". These tips will definitely come in handy if you're trying to get your ex back.